"Physical, mental, and social health are critical for future citizens and my goal as a Board of Education trustee is to maximize all three for Greenburgh Central School District students.
There is no single answer to this—we have to look at all the different dimensions of health, and therefore must invest in the Full Picture. Student health now leads to student success later."
Health is the foundation of my campaign, for I see it as the bedrock for all else. It includes physical wellbeing in the form of nutrition, nursing staff, and secure buildings. It addresses mental health needs that, when ignored, can lead to bullying and violence. It reminds us that we are part of a society, and that society's health is a direct result of the compassion, connection, and inclusivity of its members.
Addressing Health across all these domains has been shown to increase positive growth outcomes, satisfaction, and success. When we know better, we do better.
GCSD is a Title 1 school, meaning the district receives additional funding to assist with higher percentages of low-income households. We also are in a community with fixed incomes and high taxes, which can make it hard for the community to invest in our schools. As a result we need to create more incentives for our stakeholders to approve infrastructure initiatives and provide ways for them to engage more directly with our district and its impressive students.
I've experienced first hand where money has not been effectively used and fallen victim to red tape and confusing procedures. I want to streamline our practices and increase transparency so we see returns on our investments.
I want to ensure that our staff is compensated fairly and that we work to acknowledge the incredible work they do. We need to fill open positions, provide support where needed, and fight against burnout.
Schools are responsible for teaching our children more than what is in a textbook. The world is changing rapidly and the best way to prepare our students is to broaden the definition of "education" to include learning about ourselves- how we interact, what we need to feel safe, how to regulate our emotions, how to be a good citizen and look out for others, and how to balance our needs and wants with those of society.
Students are free to learn academics when their basic health needs are met. This includes their phsyical, mental, and social wellbeing, which, in turn, pave the way for greater success in the classroom.
We frequently talk about testing and scores and rankings, but I believe those will improve naturally by first meeting students where they are, and giving them what they need to thrive.
One of GCSD's strengths is its diversity- in every sense of the word. My children have friends that look, talk, think, believe, and live differently from them, which has only enriched their experience of their world. They are gaining perspectives, practicing empathy, and ultimately learning the social skills that will help them adapt to an ever-changing world.