New Ideas To Increase Positive Outcomes
Thank you for visiting to learn more about me!
Early life near Philadelphia
I am originally from the Philadelphia suburbs where I attended several different schools with varied demographics. My parents divorced when I was in early elementary school, and I credit some phenomenal, empathetic, creative, and inclusive teachers for creating a space for me to feel safe during a tumultuous time. Since my mom was a single parent, working full time and raising me and my younger brother, she was unable to attend school events as much as she would have liked. Being one of the few kids with divorced parents, I felt the loss. However, I received therapeutic services, after-school care, and support that helped me feel connected and confident, rather than "other". I'm still connected with some of those teachers and classmates all these years later.
Secondary School
As a young student, I attended and spoke at my first Board of Education meeting, advocating for funding for the arts, which were on the budget chopping block at the time. Fortunately, the programs survived, and through them and similar initiatives over the years, I became involved with student government, community art legacy projects, coordinated school spirit events, and was first introduced to my future career in Art Therapy by a particularly perceptive high school art teacher who helped guide me to resources that changed my life.
College of William and Mary
After graduation, I attended the College of William and Mary, where I earned a BA in Psychology with a minor in Studio Art, expanding the skills needed to be an effective Art Therapist. I interned regularly, worked throughout school, and took leadership roles in student government and social organizations, including serving as a Resident Assistant (RA) for two years. These experiences taught me how to work with people, connect over shared goals, and the importance of taking care of each other.
New York University
My RA experience paved the way for me to become an RA superviser in a freshman residence hall at New York University, where I earned my MA in Art Therapy. I worked closely with Residential Life leadership, and brought incremental art therapy programming into the residence halls, offering therapeutic services to underclassmen in a less intimidating way. It allowed students to express themselves safely as they navigated challenging transitions and stressful academic life. The experience was the subject of my thesis, and I continue to apply what I learned from this program to the work I do today.
Art Therapy in Residential Treatment
Immediately upon graduation, I began my career as an Art Therapist at a Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) in Westchester, which provided services to adolescent males whose behavior had become too unsafe for themselves and others for them to remain in their home communities. Here is where I attended my first Committee on Special Education (CSE) meetings, advocated for student and parents' rights, and gained a greater understanding of the importance of partnership between school staff, students, families, and the community.
After the RTF: Private Practice, Private Life
I left the RTF after I had my first daughter, but maintained a small private practice over the years. Now I have two daughters, 10 and 6 years old, and we have lived in the Greenburgh Central School District for over a decade. Our eldest attended the Early Childhood Program back when it had a half-day option and was in the Mansion, which highlighted curriculum around citizenship, inclusion, and friendship, in addition to academics. When she moved on to kindergarten at Lee F. Jackson, I became President of the PTA, which ultimately led to work with the Education and Wellness committee, the GCSD district's SEL initiatives and Steering Committee, community-engaging activities, and more.
Current Work & Qualifications
I continue to work part time as a licensed, board-certified, and nationally registered Art Therapist and I own and operate a small private practice. Most of my clinical experience is with children and adolescents, and I've used my knowledge to advocate for healthy and safe learning environments for our children. I strongly believe that we do our students a disservice if we fail to look at the whole person- not just the academic part. We need to recognize that what goes out outside of school- family dynamics, housing, food security, emotional support, etc- all impact what goes on in the classroom. The District is recognizing and addressing these areas more and more, and I think my experience and expertise can further that mission.
As we address the needs of our students, we must also address the needs of our community. We need to build more bridges, improve communication amongst stakeholders, and shore-up our district's infrastructure- our buildings, our security, our support staff- all to maintain health and safety.
By broadening the definition of Health to address its physical, mental, and emotional components, I hope to bring positive changes to our district. We are on the right track, but there seem to be gaps where new ideas and initiatives fall off and do not come to fruition, which can be wasteful of time, energy, and money. You can read more on the Platform page, where I have also included short videos about my thoughts and positions.
Below is a brief resume of my involvement in the district & the community. Some of this experience can be viewed on the homepage in numerous pictures and videos, highlighting my platform priorities. More videos of past Board of Education and Education and Wellness Committee meetings are available on the District's YouTube page.
If you have questions about any of my experience or qualifications, please do not hesitate to ask at EVJacobsenBOE@gmail.com.
District Social Emotional Learning Committee, Parent Representative
R.J. Bailey PTA: Book Fair Chair, Journey Through Literacy Month Co-chair, Charleston Wrap Fundraising Chair
Highview PTA, Early Childhood Program/Lee F. Jackson PTA: Charleston Wrap Fundraising Chair
Community Member of the Education and Wellness Board of Education Committee
Voting Advocacy
Community Art Mural
District Social Emotional Learning Committee, Parent Representative
Highview PTA, Early Childhood Program/Lee F. Jackson PTA: Fall Staff Appreciation Chair
Community Member of the Education and Wellness Board of Education Committee
Voting Advocacy
Community Art Mural
Highview PTA: SEL Liaison
Voting Advocacy
Community Art Mural
Lee F. Jackson PTA President
Voting Advocacy
Lee F. Jackson PTA President